Monday, November 10, 2003

Not all the world is multicultural
Multiculturalism has become such a pervasive way of thinking in the West, that it obscures some harsh realities. One of these is that millions of people around the world die or are severely persecuted for their beliefs.
If a man or woman in New Zealand, or England, or the USA tells his family he has decided to become a Muslim, big deal! Whatever grabs you. Try it. You'll find that after the initial raised eyebrows everyone will bend over backwards to accommodate your new "identity". We are tolerant when people of other faiths come to our country and make converts.
Now go to a Muslim country, and tell your family that you have decided to become a Christian. Suddenly, the reality is very different. Muslims do not tolerate one of their own leaving "the true faith", and the resulting persecution is harsh. It is equally harsh for anyone who visits the country and tries to make converts.
Persecution, particularly of Christians, is growing around the world. Compass Direct monitors what's going on, as this article illustrates. Chuck Colson, the former Nixon aid who now heads Prison Ministries worldwide, says several Muslim countries have intensified persecution since September 11, mistakenly equating the United States with Christianity.

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