Friday, December 10, 2004
Not The Last Post
I wonder how many of the 65 MPs who voted in favour of Civil Unions yesterday will wake up in 10 years time and wonder how they were duped so easily. It will probably take about that length of time for the penny to drop. Supporters of the Bill kept claiming that it would not affect marriage, and that if anything it will strengthen relationships. That's utterly stupid, because homosexual relationships are characterised by infidelity and short duration. It will be fascinating to see how many of the civil unions contracted next year will still be in existence in five or ten years later. And if you can get them to answer, ask a "civil unionised" couple how many casual sex partners they have while they are in a "committed" relationship. Chris Carter - who's supposedly in a long-term relationship - refused to answer when asked that by Kim Hill.
True, marriage won't be affected immediately. It takes time for a tree to die after it's roots have been cut. It will be one or two decades before we see the results working themselves through. The marriage rate will drop even further than it is now (you try and convince your children they should marry when they can have every benefit without doing so, plus the advantage of walking in and out of a relationship at will).
But this new law will lay the groundwork for some significant changes to come - the homosexual activists will not be satisfied with this victory. Tim Barnett said the only reason they had not gone for full homosexual marriage was because the time was not yet right. Give it five years. Next year the Adoption Act comes up for review, and same-sex couples will be given the right to adopt. The Ministry of Women's Affairs says it appears to be discrimination to not allow Muslim men to have multiple wives. So my prediction is that this multicultural-pushing government will soon have that on the agenda (after the next election).
Gandhi was once asked: "What do you think of Western civilisation?" He replied: "I think it would be a very good idea." Sadly, I fear it is too late. But perhaps we can hold on to this quote from J. Budziszewski: "The only way to get something bad is to take something good and spoil it. Whenever you find a bad thing, look for a good thing somewhere in the ruins."
I wonder how many of the 65 MPs who voted in favour of Civil Unions yesterday will wake up in 10 years time and wonder how they were duped so easily. It will probably take about that length of time for the penny to drop. Supporters of the Bill kept claiming that it would not affect marriage, and that if anything it will strengthen relationships. That's utterly stupid, because homosexual relationships are characterised by infidelity and short duration. It will be fascinating to see how many of the civil unions contracted next year will still be in existence in five or ten years later. And if you can get them to answer, ask a "civil unionised" couple how many casual sex partners they have while they are in a "committed" relationship. Chris Carter - who's supposedly in a long-term relationship - refused to answer when asked that by Kim Hill.
True, marriage won't be affected immediately. It takes time for a tree to die after it's roots have been cut. It will be one or two decades before we see the results working themselves through. The marriage rate will drop even further than it is now (you try and convince your children they should marry when they can have every benefit without doing so, plus the advantage of walking in and out of a relationship at will).
But this new law will lay the groundwork for some significant changes to come - the homosexual activists will not be satisfied with this victory. Tim Barnett said the only reason they had not gone for full homosexual marriage was because the time was not yet right. Give it five years. Next year the Adoption Act comes up for review, and same-sex couples will be given the right to adopt. The Ministry of Women's Affairs says it appears to be discrimination to not allow Muslim men to have multiple wives. So my prediction is that this multicultural-pushing government will soon have that on the agenda (after the next election).
Gandhi was once asked: "What do you think of Western civilisation?" He replied: "I think it would be a very good idea." Sadly, I fear it is too late. But perhaps we can hold on to this quote from J. Budziszewski: "The only way to get something bad is to take something good and spoil it. Whenever you find a bad thing, look for a good thing somewhere in the ruins."