Thursday, April 14, 2005
The new portrait for NZ Embassies
The Litany of Helen Clark
On herself: "I am a victim of my own success as a popular and confident Prime Minister". (Here)
On John Tamihere: "I am capable of infinite forgiveness" (Here)
On the role of Civil Government: "The Government's role is whatever the government defines it to be." (Here)
Most High, Excellent and August Prime Minister, we your minions beseech you to hear us
We hear and Obey, Wise Leader
Oh Lady of Victories, Defender of Social Justice, and Imperatrix of Welfare
We beseech Thee to hear us, Wise Leader
Popular and Competent One, we your minions praise your mercy
Just and Wise is the Leader, and great in mercy
Prime Minister, elect of the Trade Union Congress, the Workers acknowledge Thee
The Mother of Annual Leave
Prime Minister, Welfare beneficiaries and minorities Praise Thee
The Mother of Human Rights
Let us pray together to Our Lady, Our Wise Mother, who is infinite in forgiveness, that our sins against the Party, and each other, and the environment may be forgiven.
Beloved Mother,
Let us acknowledge our faults, that we have worked hard and earned money, that we desire even a good education for these our children. Forgive us, O popular and competent One, for questioning Thy ominscience, and the eternal Dominion of thy Party
We humbly accept thy Goodness, and the Mercy of Thy Government
We confess that we have been negligent in the defence of Human Rights
Spare us, Prime Minister
We confess that we have failed to uphold the ideals of Social Justice, and have knuckled under to the Hegemony of European-ness and Heterosexist Opression
Spare thy Minions, Merciful Helen
Our Leader, who is great in mercy and infinite in forgiveness, who desireth not the death of Him who has unpopular hegemonic opinions, but that he return from his conservative wickedness and repent his iniquity, forgive us. Let us pray.
Our Mother, who is in Helengrad
Great is your Competence
Thy Socialist utopia come
Thy Imperial Will be done
In New Zealand, even as it is in Sweden
Give us this day our welfare cheques,
Forgive us our sins against diversity
Even as we tolerate the alternative lifestyles of our neigbours
And Lead us this day not into common sense
But deliver us from Imperialism.
For thine is the Republic, and the power, and the credit,
Forever and ever,
Now unto She who is able to make us into a Banana republic, be respect and mana and tax-payer funded junkets to Sweden and Ministerial limos forever and ever,
and Go, in the Name of the Trinity, Tolerance, Diversity and Inclusion, reigning forever and ever with the Unions, Stonewall and the Glorious Labour Party, in eternal and perpetual Dominion, ever increasing over every Sphere.
Glory Be to the Leader, and to the Finance Minister, and to Heather Simpson, Now and Forever
(acknowledgement to Home Throne & Altar)
The Litany of Helen Clark
On herself: "I am a victim of my own success as a popular and confident Prime Minister". (Here)
On John Tamihere: "I am capable of infinite forgiveness" (Here)
On the role of Civil Government: "The Government's role is whatever the government defines it to be." (Here)
Most High, Excellent and August Prime Minister, we your minions beseech you to hear us
We hear and Obey, Wise Leader
Oh Lady of Victories, Defender of Social Justice, and Imperatrix of Welfare
We beseech Thee to hear us, Wise Leader
Popular and Competent One, we your minions praise your mercy
Just and Wise is the Leader, and great in mercy
Prime Minister, elect of the Trade Union Congress, the Workers acknowledge Thee
The Mother of Annual Leave
Prime Minister, Welfare beneficiaries and minorities Praise Thee
The Mother of Human Rights
Let us pray together to Our Lady, Our Wise Mother, who is infinite in forgiveness, that our sins against the Party, and each other, and the environment may be forgiven.
Beloved Mother,
Let us acknowledge our faults, that we have worked hard and earned money, that we desire even a good education for these our children. Forgive us, O popular and competent One, for questioning Thy ominscience, and the eternal Dominion of thy Party
We humbly accept thy Goodness, and the Mercy of Thy Government
We confess that we have been negligent in the defence of Human Rights
Spare us, Prime Minister
We confess that we have failed to uphold the ideals of Social Justice, and have knuckled under to the Hegemony of European-ness and Heterosexist Opression
Spare thy Minions, Merciful Helen
Our Leader, who is great in mercy and infinite in forgiveness, who desireth not the death of Him who has unpopular hegemonic opinions, but that he return from his conservative wickedness and repent his iniquity, forgive us. Let us pray.
Our Mother, who is in Helengrad
Great is your Competence
Thy Socialist utopia come
Thy Imperial Will be done
In New Zealand, even as it is in Sweden
Give us this day our welfare cheques,
Forgive us our sins against diversity
Even as we tolerate the alternative lifestyles of our neigbours
And Lead us this day not into common sense
But deliver us from Imperialism.
For thine is the Republic, and the power, and the credit,
Forever and ever,
Now unto She who is able to make us into a Banana republic, be respect and mana and tax-payer funded junkets to Sweden and Ministerial limos forever and ever,
and Go, in the Name of the Trinity, Tolerance, Diversity and Inclusion, reigning forever and ever with the Unions, Stonewall and the Glorious Labour Party, in eternal and perpetual Dominion, ever increasing over every Sphere.
Glory Be to the Leader, and to the Finance Minister, and to Heather Simpson, Now and Forever
(acknowledgement to Home Throne & Altar)